Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Agile Luna

Well tonight's agility class was excellent. Luna was introduced to the dog walk - low because of her age - but it was her first time. Well she breezed it. The flat tunnel? Normally not liked but this week, not a problem.

In fact, the whole evening was great. Sally, the trainer, commented that her wait has improved. To cap it all, the boys both got a special mention for being well behaved all night.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Great walk today

We met up with our old next-door neighbours today and went for a walk at a country park in Bedford. They had their Shi-Tzu - Bichon Frise cross (Shit-Freeze?)  with them and we had Luna of course. We started off on extender leads and kept getting tied together so I decided to let Luna off like normal.

Anyway, there were loads of other dogs so it was a real change from our normal walks from home which are normally just us, fields and maybe a dog or two. With all the distractions, I wasn't sure how her recall would be but she was a complete dream. Came back on the whistle or call without a problem.

I'm not sure it was as much fun as walking across fields but it was still fun and good to meet with old friends.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

First session back at Puppy Tumble Tots

Well tonight was Luna's first night back at agility since her season. She seemed to really enjoy it.

The flat tunnel wasn't great but her jumps were still there and she was brilliant at the weave. I think that once she is back in the training "zone" she'll pick up again but she's only got a few week until her spay so she'll need to learn quickly

Saturday, 11 February 2012

How cold?

Saturday morning's walk took place not in Riseley but in Hoth (Empire Strike's back reference if you missed it.) The temperature was -12C but wrapped up in her Equafleece (and me in my ski jacket/trousers and hiking boots plus loads of other layers) we were warm enough.

However, I took my ski gloves off to take a quick photo on my iPhone, a couple of Facebook posts and then my fingers were hurting from the cold already. Note to self - I want those capacitive gloves so I can work my iPhone without taking the gloves off

Monday, 6 February 2012

Season over?

Well we are now 3 weeks into Luna's season and we think it may be over. She licking herself less and is less swollen.

Hopefully we will be starting the off lead walks again soon.